Director: Masashi Ishihama
Genres: Drama, Supernatural, Sci-Fi, Mystery
Summary: In this anime there are 5 protagonist and their names are, Saki, Shun, Mamoru, Maria, and Satoru. They are in a world that is far off into the future from ours; during their time they have this unique power, a power that is psychic (controlling things with their wills). They attend school like any other children but there is a catch, for some reason the students whom are not doing well and have no improvements disappear without a trace. The adults seem to be keeping a secret from the students too. The 5 protagonist slowly learn new things about this world, that this world is not as peaceful as it seems; with lots of mysteries to be unfolded. So far there is 16 episodes and the anime is ongoing.
- Eric Mei, Entertainment
lol funney
ReplyDeletey i laff so hard