February 22, 2013

Path of Exile

This game is OP for free to play game. The game is like Diablo in terms of the playing-style. Over thousands skill trees which gives more creativity in building a character. There is no money to buy benefits like other games. The only benefit it will give is making your character look cooler. There are no STATS or SKILLS ADVANTAGE for using money in the game. The game was made seven years ago and was recently released in the U.S. There are a couple of classes to choose form and you can build a hybrid depending on your build of the skill tree. I've recently played the game and got to level 10 in a day or two. So far the game is pretty addicting. The monsters are pretty easy to kill so far but as the game progresses into the next few chapters, the bosses and monsters are tougher. The game is pretty self-explanatory. Just do quests, grind and get good gears. You can play with friends or solo if you want to. However, the game is 5.6GB. If you can play Diablo 3 on your computer then you computer can handle the game. Give the game a try and probably you going to get hook and play it all day. 

You can get it here:

- Stephen Huang 

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