
We would love to read some of your feedback on our posts so far. Feel free to comment with your own opinions and ideas. Don't be shy! We will read all comments, and any inappropriate or rude comments will be removed.

The temperature is dropping!

The days are becoming shorter, and the nights are getting colder -- It is time to stock up on some awesome sweaters! Sweater weather? BETTER WEATHER!

Check out our Pun/Joke!

Look at the right ---> ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

Let's talk about feelings*

We would really like to hear about how you feel about school so far. Well... actually we would like to hear your feelings on anything. Let us hear some suggestions and advices! Please do share, thank you!


Finding Nemo is coming out in 3D to a theater near you. What are your thoughts on this release?

Submit Photos to the blog!

We are really interested in seeing some cool images. It could be inside or outside of school. You can take the photo yourself (you will be credited) or you could pull some off the internet (you must credit the photo). Have fun! Email- Kristy for photo submission guidelines!

March 27, 2013

April fool’s Day- DIY

Who doesn’t like a good joke? I recently learned how to make fake blood, so now I can have all kinds of fun! Since it’s made out of edible ingredients, you can eat it too. But be careful because it can stain clothing (if you add detergent it won’t stain, but you can’t eat it). With April fool’s day coming up, this could help you with the great practical joke you had trouble thinking of!
What you need:
Chocolate Syrup, Corn Syrup, Red Food Coloring, Water, bowl, Spoon, Tissue (Optional), Different Colors of food coloring (optional)
To Make:
1.       Grab your bowl, pour water into it. (The more water you add the drippier the blood will be.)
2.       Add some corn syrup. (This will make the blood thicker.)
3.       Add drops of red food coloring. (To give the blood its red color.)
4.       Add some chocolate syrup. (If you add too much, it won’t look like blood anymore, and will start to take on the color brown. No amount of red coloring will salvage it.)
5.       Mix!
Tips and Tricks:
-Having different colors in there like green or blue, can give your blood a richer color. But like the chocolate syrup too much will ruin it from actually looking like real blood.
-If you dip a lot of tissue in your fake blood it will look like gory flesh.

Please don’t scare your family too much. You can also use this for things like a Halloween costume (with
laundry detergent it won’t stain), or a play that involves blood. Have fun making it!

- Zakiyyah Mandisa 

March 20, 2013

Incoco Nail Appliques

Since I love painting my nails of course I will try different nail things to share with everyone. I've heard about cool ways to do your nails without having to wait for anything to dry. And not worrying about messing up the designs you make when you're waiting. As a grade I will give this company, Incoco nail strip product an F. I tried everything and I mean everything for this product to work and it didn't work out. Basically you match each strip to the size of your nails and file off the excess with an emery board. That part was pretty simple, but once you file off the excess the sticker strip started ripping and not sticking. The company claimed to last for 2 weeks, I was so mad that I ended up taking it off in about 2 hours. I definitely don't recommend nail strips, honestly I would just stick with painting my nails the regular way. Or if you still want to try then adding a clear coat of nail polish on top, which kind of defeats the point.  Please, I beg of you stick with the traditional way of creating good nail art.

- Zakiyyah Mandisa

Temple Run or Temple Run 2?

Ah Temple Run! One of the most popular games for iPhones and Smartphones. Practically everyone has this addicting game downloaded on their devices.  The first Temple Run that got us all hooked was released last year. Eventually the buzz died down but people still play it. Who knew escaping from wild chimps and avoiding obstacles would be so entertaining and addicting.  The obstacles increase as you progress through out the game. As your score gets higher your resistance to keep playing disappears and before you know it you’ve been playing for a couple hours. It’s a great time killer when you’re on a road trip or making your daily commutes to school. Or play it just for fun! A couple of months ago Temple Run 2 was released which is a whole new adventure. There are so many additions to this game, which make it much harder but a lot more fun to play. Your high score may not match up your high score on Temple Run 1 but don’t let that stop you from playing. Whether you’re trying to kill time, procrastinate or you’re just bored out of your mine play one of the two and you’ll like it.

- Lefty 

March 19, 2013

The Offseason

By Joseph P. (12)
Now that the basketball season is over for the Blue Devils, they are now reflecting on the season.
As a player in any team, you’ll have to look back on the season and point out all the strengths and
weaknesses of your game. The Blue Devils had a tough season this year on both ends, the Boys’
losing their playoff chance in the final games, and the Girls’, losing the first round of the playoffs. It
was a valiant effort, but it wasn't enough to push the Baruch teams to the top.
On a personal note, this was the best season I’ve ever had. Averaging almost 17 points per game
with almost 10 rebounds, my summer practice had truly showed. I was doing what I was supposed
to be doing, but I wasn’t entirely great. My defense was atrocious compared to my offense. And
even in my offense, I forced many shots and had costly turnovers. It was learning experience, and I
will be trying to play college ball.
As many of the seniors on both teams will be leaving, it will make the team different, as they can’t
rely on players to do things for them. They’ll have to do it on their own now. They have to use
everybody, even if they weren’t even close to what the seniors had done. It’s a matter of
teamwork and understanding what someone is capable of doing.
It’s now time to bulk up, to practice your game in whatever sport you played. Practicing by yourself
is key. It’s sacrificing time of your own to become better.

March 18, 2013

The Knife Game Song

The Knife Game Song
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm still here, kicking with a new blog post. This one is about a fad that's been out for a while, the knife game song. The rules are simple, put your hand out on the table stretched, get a knife, and stab the spaces between you fingers while staying with the beat of the song. Also, don't miss the spaces, because your fingers may come off, and if they do they'll start to bleed. And I can imagine that's no fun. But, the game is. Now, usually people go and say, "that's stupid" or "dangerous", or even "that's emo". Trust me, its a fun little game, that is dangerous, so it's only for the brave. Just don't be a fool and post it on youtube. Or stab yourself. So I'm not recommending this game, to everyone. But for the dare devils out there, why not try and impress your friends? If you win, goody you, nothing to win but pride. If you lose, ehh tough. And word of advise, start small. Use a pen first, uncap it to see where you'd hit yourself. Don't play the full game until your sure. But all in all, this game is total ridiculousness. So have fun, and watch the video of the founder of this song. And until next time, keep your fingers. If you come up to me and play this and hurt yourself, I will not call the hospital because you won't learn your lesson. 
- Oscar O

March 14, 2013

Movie Review: Rubber

Hi everyone,

I was able to watch a few movies over the four day weekend (some from the movie theater, some from Netflix), so now I'll be able to review them for you guys! :'D

The first on my list of movies is Rubber, "a 2010 French comedy film about a tire that comes to life and kills people with its psychic powers" (summary taken from Wikipedia). If the word "kill" is making you uncomfortable, there's no need to worry as there's virtually no violence in the movie besides explosions (caused by the tire) and a gun scene near the end. Anyways, the first time I heard about the film was during Mr. Records' class, American Literature. I can't recall what the lesson was about, but I do remember Mr. Records talking about some tire that rolls around blowing people up. The idea of a rubber tire rolling around and causing explosions with its mind was hilarious to me, so I wanted to watch it. Remember, this film is a comedy, so despite all the gore and explosions, there will be funny moments.


There's an accountant waiting in what seems to be the middle of a desert, surrounded by wooden chairs. A police car arrives and starts knocking the chairs down one by one. When all the chairs have fallen, the car stops, and a policeman gets out of the car to open the trunk. Another policeman, Chad, gets out of the trunk (I have no idea why he's in the trunk in the first place), looks straight into the camera, and starts delivering this speech about how many things in life happen for no particular reason. "No reason," he calls it. He talks about how scenes in movies happen for "no reason," life is full of "no reason," and that this film (not the actual movie you're watching; will be explained later on) "is homage to 'no reason.'" After he's finished, he gets back into the car trunk, and the camera moves around to show that Chad was actually addressing a crowd, and the crowd gathered to watch a film in the desert. Apparently, they are going to watch this "film" with binoculars, because the "film" is taking place far away. I'm not really sure why anyone would agree to watch films with binoculars, let alone go to the middle of a desert with a group of people to watch a movie, but this is comedy, so anything goes. The crowd is confused about what they're watching because all they see is the desert plains, but eventually, a tire comes to life and learns to roll around without falling down.

Believe or not, the tire has a name: Robert. Robert has just discovered that it is alive. It first starts crushing things with its own weight, but when it comes across a glass beer bottle, it can't crush it and it becomes frustrated. The tire starts to vibrate and eventually, the beer bottle explodes due Robert's psychokinetic powers. Robert then spends the entire day blowing up things it comes across with its mind. At the end of the day, Robert has tired itself out, and, like most of the movie watchers, falls asleep.

The next day starts with the audience watching on as Robert wakes up. The tire continues to roll around and blow things up. As it keeps rolling, it reaches a highway and has its first encounter with a human being. Due Robert's predictable nature, it's quite obvious that the tire wants to blow the person up.

I'm terrible at concluding things, so this will be another one of my summary's "unbearable" cliffhangers! ... OTL

What I liked about it:
I really liked the "no reason" bit in the beginning. It was that part that got me engaged in the movie. I also liked the random directions and twists the movie would take at times, like when Chad appears within the movie, which means that the tire is actually alive and is blowing up things with its mind in our world, or when Robert starts following a woman, hinting at the possibility that the tire is capable of feelings. This is pretty much all I liked about the movie, although the idea of tires blowing things up with their minds was so weird, that it sustained me throughout the movie.

What I disliked about it:
I didn't like the gore in the movie, and in my opinion the gore was the worst part of the movie because I cannot stomach stuff like that (the poor bunny! D:). That's just me though, so I guess the gore doesn't hinder the film that much.

The plot kind of got confusing in the middle when Chad repeatedly told the other officers to go home. At some point in the movie, Chad reveals that the whole film was a hoax and that all the "actors" could go home. The said "actors" don't understand what he means by "go home" because they believe that everything is real. Chad then tells one of the officers to shoot him, and when one of them shoots him, he's fine and says he doesn't feel a thing. So I was extremely confused; is the film real or not? Why is Chad okay? If Chad is telling the truth, why don't the other "actors" understand and just go home?

Besides the gore and the confusion, everything else was okay.

Definitely an original piece of work, or at least, it is to me, because how often do you hear about tires that come to life and blow people up? Probably not often. If you do hear about stuff like this often, then... I guess you must have an interesting life.

I was led to believe that Robert is somewhat an antagonist because it kept blowing people up, but after rethinking it over, I guess it just blows people up because maybe it sees humans the way humans see tires (I hope that analogy was not badly phrased; I tend to do that); unimportant and void of life. I think the woman it kept following was an exception, but besides her, no one else stood out to the tire. My hypothesis is further proven by the fact that Robert seemed angry when it saw other tires being burned by humans. It sought to avenge the burned tires and killed all the people in revenge. As Robert has only started living just recently, it's reasonable to believe that the tire doesn't understand the meaning of life or it doesn't understand the full consequences of its actions. If the situations were reversed, I would probably go on a rampage and destroy all the tires in town because they killed people and I wanted to protect myself.

TLDR; my point is that the tire could be an anti-hero, it may not have understood the weight of a life, which is why it first started blowing people up, and it later went on a murderous rampage because it believed humans were a threat to tires and its existence.

- Melissa He, 12th Grade, Editor/Writer for Entertainment

Deals Week!

Grab a FREE Tall Caramel or Hazelnut Macchiato from Starbucks when you print out this coupon: 


Get a free cup of tea from Teavana, click here and print out the coupon:


Join Panera and you will get a free pastry/sweet from their selection of baked goods!

Join The Body Shop and you’ll be able to get $10 to spend on your birthday month :)


Join Julep, and enter in FREEBOX for three free full sized nail polish. But you do have to pay for shipping & handling ($3.99). But hey it’s a good deal for three full sized nail polish!

- Linda Huang 

March 11, 2013

Girl The Wild's

Author: Hun (group of people)
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Action, School Life, and Martial Arts

Summary: This is a Manhwa, a Korean manga. Usually Korean dramas have a poor girl meats rich cute guy but this time there is a twist, it's the other way around. The main protagonist Song Jae Gu enters a new school Wilds High a recently high school that has changed into co-ed. Song Jae Gu on his first day realizes this and also that he was the only boy who applied for entrance. That’s not the only thing weird about the school, but the school has 42 years of history, where they have their students(girls) train to become fighting professionals and then compete in the Wilds' Tournament. Since Song Jae Gu entered this school he is going to have to join this tournament even if he has no fighting experience, but he meets friends along the way who will help him train. A very good read and all pages are colored; so far 80 chapters.
- Eric Mei, Entertainment

Video Games Updates

SimCity 5 was released a few days ago and already it’s a failure. After all the hype SimCity fans have built up after so many years, the game ends up being unplayable at the moment because of EA’s decision to make it so that the game can only be played when players are online. Their servers weren’t able to handle the number of players online playing the game and so the game crashes and causes loss of save data.
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag has also been announced to be released on October 29 on the PS3 and Xbox360. The game will also be available on the next-gen consoles. The game takes place during the 18th century during the age of piracy in the West Indies. The main character is a new assassin called Edward Kenway, a pirate trained by an assassin. Edward Kenway is the father of Haytham Kenway and the grandfather of Ratonhnhaké:ton, both of whom are characters from Assassin’s Creed 3. This game will have more content using the open ocean which includes battles at sea that AC3 had. The modern storyline won’t have Desmond Miles as the main protagonist anymore but it will still be very interesting to know how the modern storyline will progress after the huge cliffhanger AC3 left off at.  

-Alan Chen, Video Game Entertainment

March 2, 2013

Ouidad-Hydrafusion Intense Curl Cream

I received a sample of this in my Birchbox awhile ago. It was really cool, something that could enhance my already semi-curly hair and define the curls so they would look better. I've also noticed that it makes my hair softer and there is no "crunch" to it like some gels do. One of the main ingredients is water, which means its very hydrating, yay! No frizz! I don't know if it works for people who have naturally straight hair, but I do know that if you have curls or waves the curl cream makes them better than ever. To me, there really isn't a scent, but its not fragrance-free, if that makes sense, the smell isn't awful and its barely noticeable. I've always thought a little goes a long way, but looking at reviews a lot of people recommend being very generous with this product.  I guess it depends on the hair type and length. Kind of off topic, the name," Ouidad" I found very strange, and six months later I realized I was pronouncing it wrong! If you look up Ouidad's website, they give you a lot of tips for your hair using their products. This brand has a lot of products specifically for curly hair, so if you need shampoo or conditioner, check Ouidad out. Anyway if you do to try this product, let me know how it works for you. 

- Zakiyyah Mandisa

March 1, 2013

The Amazing Spider Man Movie Review

This weekend my parents and me were bored and decided to watch the new Spiderman Movie “The Amazing Spiderman”. When I was a kid my Dad took to see every one of the Spiderman movies in the theatre but I never watched the newest version of the classic movie. I thought that the new version was pretty good and is a decent take on the original version. I enjoyed watching the movie it was very action-filled and there was nothing boring about it. Certain aspects of the movie were changed around which made the movie more interesting. It’s basically like the original movie with a few twists.  The way he becomes Spiderman is different from the original version. The species of Spiderman’s enemy is different. Another major change is there’s no Mary Jane in this movie! Yes that’s right in this movie Spiderman’s romantic interest’s name is Gwen Stacy. That’s all the spoilers I’m going to tell you got to watch the movie to see the rest for yourself. This movie was great and exciting because of all the new additions and changes and is a good watch for those movie nights. I still prefer the original to this version because nothing is better than the original movie but don’t let that stop you from watching it! 

- Eleftheria Kalaitzis