March 20, 2013

Incoco Nail Appliques

Since I love painting my nails of course I will try different nail things to share with everyone. I've heard about cool ways to do your nails without having to wait for anything to dry. And not worrying about messing up the designs you make when you're waiting. As a grade I will give this company, Incoco nail strip product an F. I tried everything and I mean everything for this product to work and it didn't work out. Basically you match each strip to the size of your nails and file off the excess with an emery board. That part was pretty simple, but once you file off the excess the sticker strip started ripping and not sticking. The company claimed to last for 2 weeks, I was so mad that I ended up taking it off in about 2 hours. I definitely don't recommend nail strips, honestly I would just stick with painting my nails the regular way. Or if you still want to try then adding a clear coat of nail polish on top, which kind of defeats the point.  Please, I beg of you stick with the traditional way of creating good nail art.

- Zakiyyah Mandisa

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