December 20, 2012

Girl's Basketball

Sorry for the late updates on the girl's basketball team. 
It has been a rough season for us although we did win our first season game. With a 3-2 status right now, we all know both the team and coaches know that this shouldn't be how it is. We could have won the games we lost but those loses are only going to make us a stronger team. Like our coach says "I rather us lose in the beginning of the season than the end because we know what we can work on." Both loses were close games, one was a home game where we should have played hard in the first half. Second game was overtime, which we knew should no have happened and we should have won that game. All in all we knew that there were a lot of things that we needed to work on, such as driving in with our heads up, looking for open players, shooting in your range etc. We may not be undefeated this season this year but we know that we will work hard to get that play off sport in February. We will work and push ourselves to get further than we did last year. We will keep our heads up and keep playing the game we love. Nothing can stop us as long as we work as a team.

A quote that our coach goes by " I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan  This tells us that even the best player failed so many times but still keep his head up and kept playing the game no matter what happened. He took the mistakes that he have done and learned from them and this is what we will do. Keep playing, and keep learning. 

Kathy Chiam
Writer for sports 

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