I’ve learned over the past years that the best way to procrastinate is to watch videos, specifically YouTube Videos. On YouTube there are so many different things you can watch, a How-To video, a vlog, parodies, the list is endless.
Parodies are really funny to watch because they recreate something, and sometimes it makes the original look better. When I’m in a parody-watching mood I look up The Hillywood Show: http://www.youtube.com/user/ JckSparrow and The Key of Awesome: http://www.youtube.com/show/ keyofawesome. The Hillywood Show is something I recently discovered, and the videos are made by these two sisters Hilly and Hannah and they make parodies of big-time movies like Breaking Dawn, or Harry Potter. The videos are not that long, maybe 8 minutes and they’re done well, editing is good, sound is good. After the videos are made, maybe a few days later they release a Behind the Scenes video, these videos are really long, like 30 minutes but they basically show you every aspect of making a complicated video like the ones they do. The Behind-the- Scenes videos is what I like the most because they show you the mistakes that happens, and its really entertaining, I find myself bursting out into laughter a lot. Check them out!
The Key of Awesome is something I found out years ago, and what they do is make funny parodies on #1 Music Hits. Unlike a lot of parodies ive seen, The Key of Awesome change the lyrics around and make it their own, their videos are only 3-4 minutes long. Like the Hillywood Show, the Key of Awesome also have Behind-the-Scenes videos, showing the “special effects” they do, for example, how they show puke in a video, and how they had a girl fall down the stairs. Check them out too!
- Zakiyyah Mandisa
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