November 26, 2012

Are the Movies Too Expensive?

Every now and then, you may want to catch a movie with your friends or family at the movie theaters.  Movie theaters have oversized screens, large speakers, and popcorn to provide enjoyment while watching the movie.  However, movie tickets can be around $13 - $15! It’s not that expensive, but when you factor in paying for popcorn, soda, and other snacks, it comes to a lot more.  You may be walking out of the movies spending around 40 bucks.  My parents told me how you used to be able to buy movie tickets for $5 to see two movies.  Honestly, I think that is a great deal.  It shows how much less it used to cost to go see a movie before!
So is it too much to go see a movie in the movie theaters?  I think it depends how you decide to spend your money at the movie theaters.  You can get movie tickets for $7 before 12:00 which is called a matinee.   This helps you save a lot of money.  Also you can decide to split snacks at the concession stand to also help you save money.  Overall, going to the movies can cost some money, but you can be wise about spending your money there.

Giselle Barkley, Entertainment

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