November 7, 2012

Is it over?

It has been a while since the most recent volleyball game.
Many had came to our volleyball games and it was highly appreciated. The Baruch Volleyball Team never had many supporters cheering because we do not home games and it becomes a hassle for those who actually did want to come and support at other schools. However, many of these supporters came through and our team was thankful. Thankful to know that someone acknowledges our wins and our lost.
With every lost, I would feel a pain inside. I take loses and wins pretty seriously, and that is why I feel pain with every lost. I also take every win seriously and this makes me too hyper. Though with every lost, someone on the team would come up to me and say "Cheer up Peony! We will do better next time!" The positivity of the team was extraordinary and it made me think even more positively. My coach told me that playing games are not only because of winning, but try to have fun and find pleasure in playing the sports that you love. I have learned a lot from him and it will stay with me forever; whether it was him enlightening me about life or teaching me how to be a better volleyball player.  
But is the volleyball season really over? Technically, it may be over on the PSAL board but you can play volleyball anywhere, anytime and play with the people you love.
This Friday may mark the end of our PSAL games and it may be the last time that the team can all sit together, with our coaches and have fun. But I know that this is not the end.
I truly wish that the Volleyball season can continue, not only because I personally love this sport, not only because I enjoy the school's spirit, and not only because it is great to win, but because I was lucky enough to have amazing team members.Though this may be slightly unrealistic, I know that I had enjoyed my time and I have made amazing memories.
It's not over until it's officially over, so for now, I'll say: I LOVE YOU GUYS AND I'LL SEE YOU SOON!

Peony Cheng
Writer for Sports

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