November 7, 2012

Avenged Sevenfold

Hello boys and girls, me again with another band holding a different genre that previously spoken. This is Avenged Sevenfold, one of the greatest heavy metal bands ever! They are more recent I believe, not entirely sure. I know a lot of they're songs and albums, but little of the band. I know there are five members... that's about it. But they are great, the music differs from album to album, but still heavy metal all the same. It's a lot of dark music I guess? To me it doesn't seem dark, it's very up lifting, loud, yell, gets you pumped! Everything a heavy metal band should! Now i don't know about you younger generations, listening to your country, and pop, and hip hop, although hip hop is very good, I like it too. Point being, not enough kids listen to rock bands, so pick up your headphones and turn up that volume! The only way to listen to heavy metal is loudly! And I'm pretty sure i should warn about language, think its in my job description. Oh well, still don't think we should care about that stuff. Here are some of my favorites, A Little Piece of Heaven, Nightmare, Burn It Down, Beast and the Harlot, Afterlife, Almost Easy, Bat Country, Lost, Flash of the Blade, Natural Born Killer, Not Ready to Die, and Scream, and more. A Little Piece of Heaven is probably my favorite, its got a music video, all though that i would watch with caution, if i wasn't me. So go listen to this and look up other rock bands, rocks not dying anytime soon. And until next time, I'll see you in the halls.
By: Oscar O. (Delayed - Originally submitted on Oct 25)

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