April 15, 2013

Award Shows

There’s a variety of Award Shows that come on every year for movies and music. My personal favorites are the VMA’s and the Billboard awards. A lot of us have been watching award shows since we were little because of Nickelodeon’s Kids Choice Awards. I think award shows are very entertaining because all the famous actors and actresses attend and there are always interesting little skits and performances that are on. Usually these award shows choose funny, comical people to host. Sometimes if you’re lucky there will be some dramatic incident like a couple of years ago when Kanye West dissed Taylor Swift. There are performances from famous singers and who doesn’t love seeing their celebrity crush or favorite singer perform. Then for the actual awards there’s the anticipation of who is going to win and it’s fun to make bets with friends or family member on who you think is going to win. Also, it’s funny when they move the camera throughout the audience to show the reactions of other celebrities when certain people receive awards. It looks like so much fun to actually attend a show; I would love to go to the VMA’s one day. 

- Eleftheria Kalaitzis

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