October 14, 2012

A Warm Meal

   Scattered all over the place, each individual has his/her own role and occupation throughout the day. Whether the responsibility is to attend school or to go to work, each person is busy. In fact, people are so busy that they feel they have no time to waste by being passive, but being passive is not necessary claimed to be a bad state. The beneficial side of being in the passive condition is people would not miss anything precious to admire or anything extraordinary that only comes once in a lifetime. 
             Stressed by the college admission process and all the schoolwork and tests that I have to keep up with at the same moment, I feel troublesome, and my fellow colleagues feel the same way as well. Daydreaming is like a crime for us. However, our separated paths cross when we enjoy a meal together, because food is the magical force which scent attracts and brings any different groups of people together. Throughout my day, the most relaxing part is the meal I shared with my close ones. When we sit down together to play cards and to catch up on time, I am not living for tomorrow but enjoying the present; I’m not missing anything worthwhile. People are missing out when they rush their meals with their families. Put down your work, slow down, and enjoy your meals! Love yourself! 

- Jai Wei Ong

2 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    "food is the magical force which scent attracts and brings any different groups of people together" very true

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I love your posts, they always have a bigger message even if it is about a small thing.


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