October 1, 2012

Brain Buster of the Week

Answer to Previous Question:

Common words: ail, aim, alien, alpine, amino, ciao, cinema, claim, clime, clip, coil, coin, compile, complain, epic, ice, iceman, icon, imp, impale, impel, in, income, ion, lice, lie, lima, lime, limp, line, lion, lip, loci, loin, mail, main, malice, manic, menial, mica, mice, mile, mince, mine, nail, nice, nil, nip, oil, oilcan, opine, pail, pain, panic, pelican, pencil, pi, piano, pica, pie, pile, pin, pine, plaice, plain, polemic, police, POLICEMAN.
(There are in fact more words but these are the most commonly known.)

This Week's Teaser:

Odd Two Out Too

In this teaser, you have to find the odd ones out in the groups of words. BUT WAIT! There's a catch. Each group of words has TWO words which do not belong. Can you find them both?

Lily - Jane - Tulip - Rose

Jane does not belong as it's the only one which is not a flower.
Tulip also does not belong because it's the only one which is not a girl's name.
You're on your own for the rest!

1. Dodge - Ford - Lincoln - Hoover

2. King - Earl - Knight - Bishop

3. Yellow - Green - Dead - Black

I got two out of three correct =]

~ Clarissa M.

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