October 15, 2012


Aliens; I am not talking about those with big heads and black bulging eyes. but I'm talking about those black lizard-like creatures with acidic blood that are most symbolically known for bursting out of people's chest. I wasn't particularly interested in these aliens until I saw the film "Aliens Vs. Predators" during middle school. And for some odd reason it became the only thing I can think of every time I hear the word "Alien". I find this fictional creature surprisingly fascinating , especially their unique life cycle, first they started out as an egg (lay by the queen like in ants/wasps colonies), then hatches face-huggers to attach themselves to a nearby host and lay embryos directly into the body, and next of course, the chest-bursters, taking some of their host's traits. It then reaches maturity in a fairly short amount of time and then it either kills anything that poses as a threat or captures any prey to be a new host for their species. 
It wasn't until the film "Prometheus", that came out June of this year, that I decided to watch the entire series. To be honest it really surprised me to see that the very first film was played more than 30 years ago (1979). I recently finished the first and second film but I trying to stop myself to continue, not because the series is boring or lame (I love horror movies) but I just hate the dark creepy settings and unexpected pop ups that made me nearly jump out of my seat. But in the end, I truly recommend people who enjoy science fiction and/or horror films to give a shot at the series.

P.S. Don't watch any of the films at three in the morning - trust me, it's a bad idea....

- Jay Wu, Entertainment

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