October 16, 2012

IP Man

Hello! And welcome to this special blog post, a post about a greatmartial arts movie, everyone can enjoy. It is a movie based on the true story of Ip Man, a great Wing Chun martial arts master. In fact, he was the master of martial arts icon Bruce Lee. Now i don't see why everyone likes Bruce Lee so much, he isn't that great (or at least in my opinion). He was fast, I'll give him that, but a wise master once told me, Wing Chun made him even faster! I believe it, Wing Chun Kung Fu, its a great Martial art, how would I know?... I watch movies, like this one! This movie took time before and during the WWII when the Japanese invaded China. Ip man was the best master in Foshan, he was undefeated in the movie. Defeated a bunch of foreigners who challenged the whole town, even when he was attacked with a sword like weapon. But that was not his greatest feat in the movie, at least not to me. It was when the Japanese had invaded and they were taking Chinese Kung Fu masters, to see who was better. When Ip Man got wind of how his friend disappeared when taken by the Japanese, he went to where the
fights were held. On took on 10 black belts in some Japanese Martial art! Amazing, he was something, and that's all I will say on what happens, don't want to spoil it. Ip Man is a great man who valued honor and tradition, along with family. Yes he had a wife and kid in the movie, has another  in the second. Actually, Ip Chun, Ip Mans son, helped to make the movie, did a very good job. This is a great and inspiring movie, action is inconceivable, so vivid. You should watch it and I'll just leave a clip at the bottom. Until next time.

Oscar O, Grade 11

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