October 2, 2012

P!nk/ Gangnam Style

  So I'm pretty sure most of you guys have heard the song "Perfect" by P!nk before. When I heard that song, I found it pretty inspiring and it quickly became one of my favorite songs at that time. However, I slowly got over it due to me playing it over and over again. Lately, her new album just came out and it's amazing. Especially the songs "Try" and "Just Give Me a Reason". The song "Try" tells you to not give up and like the song title, try. The song is very upbeat and catchy and if you're into these songs, I suggest you check the song out. The other song "Just Give Me a Reason" is a love song; For all you love birds out there.
    In addition, I am sure you all have heard the song "Gangnam Style". A song that is incredibly popular right now. The first time I heard it, I was like, "ehh" it's all right. However, after a while, it became stuck in my head. It's an addicting song with an addicting dance. I have no idea what the song is about though. Wouldn't it be interesting/ fun to see Baruch kids dance to the song? Like a flashmob! What an interesting image, haha.
    Anyway, I hope you guys try out the P!nk songs because they're pretty good. And if you guys want to try Gangnam Style Baruch, you guys should leave a comment below. We can always work something out. (;

Lin Yang - Music Entertainment

4 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Gangnam style is like the LMFAO of Korea, in my opinion. It's super fun and silly. He was on the Ellen show: "Dress classy, dance cheesy"

  2. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Gangnam style is really catchy,but I dont want to be one those people who are constanly singing it. So i refuse to listen/ watch it. I am also one of those people who listen to a song over and over again until it gets boring. Great post! (enter me)

  3. Anonymous10:39 PM

    My super Chinese family watched the "Gangnam Style" video altogether at one of our family dinners. They laughed and wouldn't shut up, they thought he was super silly. I have lost interest in the song, but everything when someone puts it on, I kind of fall right back --- But every time I hear people playing it, I'm like "Ugh, I'm so done."

    I love P!nk music. All her songs has been a pleasure to listen to. Her music videos are either, weird, funny, or just plain exciting!

  4. Anonymous10:42 PM

    P!nk's music * Have been** either weird, funny....***

    -Sorry for all those errors (there's prob more)


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