October 16, 2012

Blue Devils Newsletter - Issue 3

Adapted from the original Newsletter by Alexiandria Cintron and Erick Criollo
October, 2012

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What do you do when you don’t feel like doing something? Practicing, homework, working out, or cleaning your room are not always at the top of your list. Even if they are, the question that needs examination is how do we motivate ourselves to accomplish the tasks in our lives? Responsibilities can be overwhelming and can sometimes stifle our productivity and creativity. By taking a disciplined approach, you can maximize your chances for accomplishing your goals. Chart and prioritize what you need to do. Then attack each item with your best effort. Continue to move down the list until you have finished. This is not a perfect science and will require you to make individualized adjustments. With some focus and effort, you should begin to equate work with achievement. This habit will take you wherever you want to go. Remember, everything worthwhile in

Yap Serving
life is not easy. Motivation is something we are all searching for. Find your mojo and get going. “In a dark time the eye begins to see”. 

Great Strength and Intensity

            Electricity was surging through the air. The girls showed preparation and focus during their pre-game practice session against SOF. Screams of "I got it!" rang throughout the gym. The two teams had practiced together last weekend at Columbus Park, testing each others' strengths and exposing each others weaknesses. During the practice game, Baruch lost five to twenty-five. It was a humiliating loss for the team. They realized how much more they needed to improve before facing off again. The real game played on Friday was a great improvement. The entire team came ready and confident. The first set was 15 to 25
in favor of SOF.  The second set yielded the same result. Although it was not the result the girls were looking for, it was a big improvement from the practice at Columbus Park, the team proved their determination and hard work paid off. GREAT JOB GIRLS :) <3

- Monica Chin

Lady Blue Devil’s Come Short

            The girls’ soccer team faced off against Eleanor Roosevelt on Thurs, Oct 4th. Unfortunately, our Baruch girls came up short. I am no expert at soccer; I don’t even play but there were several sparking moments where intensity and a ‘will to win’ overcame skill. With a hint of aggressive play that could not be denied, senior captain, Patricia Curran (13) scored two goals. A penalty kick after being pulled down in the box and in the second half an astounding kick from distance got past the ELRO keeper. The team’s chemistry and dedication are beginning to improve. If the players continue to focus on improvement, they will have a strong chance of victory when they face off against School of the Future Thurs, Oct 11th.

- James Davis

Bring ON the Cheer

            The Cheerleading Squad is returning for its second full season at BCCHS. In its debut last year, the girls did a fabulous job (under the tutelage of coaches Ms. Kwan and Ms. Simon) with many of them returning and eager to get started. Tryout-practice was held last week where the students learned the cheer, toe touches, and herkies. The session was filmed to be used as a tutorial. The video was sent to those interested in joining. They were given four days to practice on their own.  Students came back to demonstrate their skills. They were rated on the following: enthusiasm, knowledge of the cheer, ability to do the cheer, the jumps, stiffness and how in sync they were with their group.
            Captains Ashley Hall and Allison Relyea are excited about the team. Their goals for this year are to bring spirit to the school, encourage people to attend school activities and cheer at multiple sporting events. This team has already demonstrated their passion and commitment and I am sure this team will become a tradition at Baruch.

Red Cross at Baruch High School  
            Red Cross is attending the Breast Cancer Walk on October 21st, 2012! Many of you have already signed up to participate in this amazing event. If anyone still wants to join us, please email Joanne Yu at yu.joanne@bcchsnyc.net for more information.
            The club fair will be held on Tuesday, October 16th. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to see all that Baruch has to offer. If you want to be a part of the Red Cross Club, come to the fair and list your name. The Red Cross Club organizes events like the upcoming Breast Cancer walk, AIDS walk, and Blood drives. We also host competitions like the Backpack competition. We will be meeting every Tuesday after school, in Ms. Poole's room on the 3rd floor. Thank You! 

Boys looking for a great season

            Put on your shorts and tighten up your sneakers because Basketball season is just around the corner! Varsity and junior Varsity basketball tryouts are on the 29th of this month. (October 29) We’re looking for some talent and commitment. Over the past few years, the varsity basketball team has been unsuccessful in making the playoffs, but with trust and chemistry, we strongly believe that will change this season. Basketball is more than just winning. It’s about meeting new people and creating friendships that will last a life time. It’s about being part of a family. We even have an annual tradition of going out to KATZ’s deli. The pastrami is amazing! Remember the date and come tryout. If you don’t make the varsity team, there’s always room on the junior varsity for underclassmen. GOOD LUCK! GO BLUE DEVILS!

-    Peter Lok

Girls Varsity Basketball Pre-Season

            The girl’s varsity team will begin their season on October 29th. With six returning girls from last year, and hopefully many newcomers, this year will be an exciting season. Returning Coach Jessenia Morrero and new co-coach Alexandria Statmatiades will work hard to make this a great year with intense practices for the first month of the season. Their first three games will be home games with their first game on November 26th against Washington Irving. I hope to see many people there to cheer on the girls. Also don’t forget to support the basketball team by bringing in as many empty bottles and cans to your advisories for the Bottle Competition.

- Mikaela Bordonaro

A New Perspective on a Winning Team

            It was an entirely new experience to sit on the bench and watch my girls play. I have never clapped and cheered so much in my life. My hands were as red as the bleachers we were sitting on in Murry Bergtraum High School’s gym.
On Friday, October 5th, the girls won their first game of the season against Graphic Communication Arts. Even after losing the first set, the girls managed to pick up their confidence and intensity. It was very nerve wracking for some, for it was a close game and victory could not have been determined until halfway through the third set. It was shocking to see so many Baruch students on the other side of the gym; I am so grateful for their attendance, because they were not only spectators, but they were supporters of their team. Sitting out on the side with my teammates made me realize how important it was to cheer for the ones playing on court. It’s a sign of encouragement, approval, and strength. You don’t know how far encouragement can take you. Cheer on The Blue Devils!

-Yei Ling Ma 

Boys on two Game Win Streak
            The boys are on a roll. They picked up their third win against A.P. Randolph High School 3-2. Randolph went up early 2-1, but in the closing minutes Baruch’s star mid fielder Erick Criollo put the team on his back and scored the equalizer along with the game winner.
            The next day Baruch faced a strong Environmental Studies team. Baruch struck early with two goals by Criollo, and a stunning strike from star junior Kyle Barall. In the second half Baruch kept their intensity up, and put three more goals in the back of the net. Their final game will be played on October 15th at FDR Park. Come out and support.
-     Daniel Dornbaum
From Your President

            This year’s student government will meet for the first time next week. We are excited for theupcoming year, and are expecting it to be productive. Two representatives have been selected from each advisory. They will be notified of their acceptance over the weekend. Keep in mind that on the 16th of October a club fair will take place in the school cafeteria. For all freshmen who are unsure of what to join, this is a great place to learn about everything this school offers. All club heads should e-mail me over the weekend if you would like a booth at the fair.

- Daniel Dornbaum
Young Runners are Here
In the spring of 2012 I had the opportunity and pleasure to work along side Physical Education Teacher, Mr. Howard Soskind. When I knew I had to juggle a job as a personal trainer and elite runner with graduate school and student teaching, I was looking for a school in New York City where I would have the best experience. Mr. Soskind was a cooperating teacher that went above and beyond what I expected.  He taught me the "In's and Out's" and the "Behind the scenes" of what teaching Physical Education can be like in New York City.  As an elite runner and former professional soccer player, I naturally asked if Baruch College Campus High School had either of these teams.  Having grown up on Long Island, I assumed of course they did. 
            When I found out BCCHS did not have a track and field team in a city that is full of runners, I was surprised.  I had to do something about it.  I used my contacts at NYRR club to set up a meeting to start the ball rolling. For the spring 2012, it would be too late to implement NYRR's program, but I assured Mr. Soskind I would always remain in touch.  Here it is in the fall of 2012 and we are making way in the process. BCCHS has been accepted into NYRR's Young Runners program that I will coach along side Ms. Wegener. We are looking for any runners, beginners to experienced, and those who want to be part of this extracurricular program.  The program will be run like any other BCCHS sports team with many benefits. Students will be entered into amazing NYRR races and receive gear and prizes.  There is no limit to how many people can be on the team, but we must field at least 15.  Please come out and join the team. Each one of you will make this program happen. See you on the track!
- Jane Vongvorachoti 

Lady Blue Devils’ Last Stretch

            The Girls soccer team faced against Environmental Science on September 28. After beating them 4-2 in their first meeting, the girls went in with confidence. Coming off a 12 – 0 loss against Lab Museum, the girls were in search of a needed win to keep their playoff hopes alive. Pre-game was a sight to see. The field was wet with puddles everywhere and referees trying to sweep them away with a broom.

            The team was ready to play with Ester Turray playing goalie for her first game after the starting goalie Mikaela Bordonaro went down with an injury in an earlier contest against School of the Future. The first half started out close for both teams. Environmental scored their first goal when a rebound got past goalie Esther Turray. They would eventually score 4 more goals before sophomore, Maeve Cusack put home Baruch’s only goal. The final score was 5-1. The girls know that they will have to bring their “A” game for the rematch which will have playoff implications. Don’t forget to come out and support the girls for their last few games. Check Psal.org for game dates.

- Mikaela Bordonaro

Upcoming Events

Girls Soccer Games – Oct. 16, 18, 22

Boys Soccer -             Oct. 15

Volleyball – Oct. 15, 17, 23, 24

Club Fair – Oct. 16

Breast Cancer Walk – Oct. 21

Basketball Tryouts – Oct. 29

Wrestling Season – Nov. 1

Blood Drive – Dec. 19

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