October 22, 2012

Movie Review: The Avengers

Hi everyone,

I'm back with an actual review! :D No one sent in any suggestions, so I'm going to review a movie I watched over the summer. :)


Here's MY summary of what happened in The Avengers movie. (It's been a while, so my summary may not be accurate.) So this will pretty much be about the way I saw the movie. Bear with me guys, my summaries are always weird. :)

Summary:At the start of the movie, I see someone with a lot weird armor and this terrible headdress (this is Loki), talking to this creepy monster thing (I think it is called "the Other"), who gives Loki the task of retrieving the Tesseract in return for reign over the Earth. The Tesseract is this super powerful energy source. Then the scene changes, and I see this eye patch guy (apparently his name is Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., an organization), along with this woman (Maria Hill), a man (Phil Coulson), some old guy who is like a researcher or something, and this creepy guy in the like upper corner of the room (I found out he was Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye...). They are currently conducting some experiment on the Tesseract, which is quite shiny and blue. Then, all of a sudden, the Tesseract gets TOO shiny, and (dun dun dun) Loki appears from this portal thing. Loki is wielding this staff that creams everybody in the room. With the staff, he pokes Barton and the old researcher guy, and puts this mind control over them. They leave with Loki, who takes the Tesseract along with him.

At this point, Nick Fury is like, "NO, THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!", and he escapes the place, which is now crumbling (for a reason I do not remember) with Maria. They chase after Loki for a while, but fail to get ahold of him. Eventually, Nick issues an order for the Avengers to assemble in response to Loki.

I think the scene then changes again to this woman (Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow) who is currently strapped to this chair. Some creepy mobster looking people are apparently threatening her for some information. She gets a call from someone (I forgot who), telling her to do something (probably to find the Hulk I think). She then beats up the mobsters in this awesome fighting scene, while still strapped to the chair. Later on, she finds Dr. Bruce Banner (aka the Hulk), who has been hiding for a while. After some persuading, Banner agrees to come along. Coulson goes to visit Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) and asks him to find the Tesseract, and Nick Fury asks Steve Rogers (aka Captain America) to help retrieve the Tesseract as well.

At some point, Thor comes along (describing how would make this TL;DR summary even longer), and with the team assembled, they have to put aside their difference and work together to retrieve the Tesseract.

What I liked about it:This movie was hilarious (to me). I thought each Avenger was unique and each contributed to the humor of the movie.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye): This guy was pretty much a bad guy throughout the movie. In my opinion, he didn't really do much as an Avenger as he only became a good guy again at the end of the movie.

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow): This woman kicks butt. I don't exactly remember much about her (it's been months since I saw the movie), but what I do remember is that she was always running away from stuff. Fortunately, the job of saving the world was pretty much handed to her.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk): He worked diligently to find the Teaseract. It was funny when he became the Hulk on the ship (everyone was pretty much on this flying ship for most of the movie) and destroyed everything. There was this one scene where he jumped onto this aircraft, and they spiraled towards the ground. Banner then woke up in this random place (I think a barn) and he was naked. After a really long time (so long, that everyone had already gotten off the ship), he came back on this old motorcycle.

Tony Stark (Iron Man): Okay, this guy is hilarious. I don't remember if he was considered part of the actual Avengers because I think he was just needed to help Bruce Banner track the Tessseract, but he just joined them anyways, trying to command the team as the leader. He also suggested for everyone to eat at this shawarma restaurant at the end of the movie.

Steve Rogers (Captain America): He's not as funny as the other characters because he's very serious and earnest. He's at odds with Iron Man, as they both want to be leaders.

Thor: I remember at one point in the movie, when the Avengers were arguing with each other, he laughed at them and remarked, "You people are so petty and tiny." That was easily my most favorite quote in the movie.

What I didn't like about it:Nothing. I thought this movie was hilarious and awesome.

Overall:Besides being really funny, this movie did have its really sad moments, like when one of the characters was killed, and the death was used to motivate the Avengers to work together. It also had its fair share of action as well (which is obvious, since it was an action movie). Anyways, in my opinion, this is a must watch movie. :)

- Melissa He, 12th Grade - Entertainment Editor

2 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous8:43 PM

    This movie was one of the best action films I've seen in a while. Like Melissa said, definitely a must watch. Can't wait for Avengers 2!

  2. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Everyone tell me its a good movie but I still haven't had a chance to watch it. NEED TO WATCH IT SOON!!!!


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