March 1, 2013

The Amazing Spider Man Movie Review

This weekend my parents and me were bored and decided to watch the new Spiderman Movie “The Amazing Spiderman”. When I was a kid my Dad took to see every one of the Spiderman movies in the theatre but I never watched the newest version of the classic movie. I thought that the new version was pretty good and is a decent take on the original version. I enjoyed watching the movie it was very action-filled and there was nothing boring about it. Certain aspects of the movie were changed around which made the movie more interesting. It’s basically like the original movie with a few twists.  The way he becomes Spiderman is different from the original version. The species of Spiderman’s enemy is different. Another major change is there’s no Mary Jane in this movie! Yes that’s right in this movie Spiderman’s romantic interest’s name is Gwen Stacy. That’s all the spoilers I’m going to tell you got to watch the movie to see the rest for yourself. This movie was great and exciting because of all the new additions and changes and is a good watch for those movie nights. I still prefer the original to this version because nothing is better than the original movie but don’t let that stop you from watching it! 

- Eleftheria Kalaitzis

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