March 18, 2013

The Knife Game Song

The Knife Game Song
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm still here, kicking with a new blog post. This one is about a fad that's been out for a while, the knife game song. The rules are simple, put your hand out on the table stretched, get a knife, and stab the spaces between you fingers while staying with the beat of the song. Also, don't miss the spaces, because your fingers may come off, and if they do they'll start to bleed. And I can imagine that's no fun. But, the game is. Now, usually people go and say, "that's stupid" or "dangerous", or even "that's emo". Trust me, its a fun little game, that is dangerous, so it's only for the brave. Just don't be a fool and post it on youtube. Or stab yourself. So I'm not recommending this game, to everyone. But for the dare devils out there, why not try and impress your friends? If you win, goody you, nothing to win but pride. If you lose, ehh tough. And word of advise, start small. Use a pen first, uncap it to see where you'd hit yourself. Don't play the full game until your sure. But all in all, this game is total ridiculousness. So have fun, and watch the video of the founder of this song. And until next time, keep your fingers. If you come up to me and play this and hurt yourself, I will not call the hospital because you won't learn your lesson. 
- Oscar O

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