December 9, 2012


                A great start to the new season, the boys won at home against Henry Street 62-44. The Boys’ team is currently on a 2 game winning streak, and we’ll see to it that it will continue to rise.
                The game started off with the Blue Devils winning the tip, and easily rallied for a 6 point lead early on. As halftime came, we were still up by 6, but as Coach Soskind had said, “we should not be winning by 6, but rather, by 16.” The game was close at the half, just like the game we had against JKO, but as the second half started, we were easily sliding through their defense, getting steals, simple plays, and although our defense wasn’t working correctly, we were able to manage an 18-point lead against a team we had to beat. The game was another improvement both offensively and defensively. Everyone played in the game, except for those that were injured, and we were able to use everyone to score, to do anything that would help win us the game. In the end, the fans were a great support to our team, and we’ll continue to win!
Joseph P. (12)

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