December 4, 2012

Liking the page = more opportunities for YOU

For four years, Baruch College Campus High School has not had a full-size gym to practice in, an auditorium that fits all of the students for assemblies and meetings, or a theatre to perform productions. Our school is void of many of the factors that makes a high school experience memorable; like sports days, dances, assemblies, and plays. In Generation Citizen, our class has decided that retrieving our relationship with Baruch College is our main goal because having access to Baruch College’s facilities would allow us to have the room for new clubs, particularly drama club, and sports practices. This would give us the tools to prosper as a school community and create new and exciting experiences for students. Partaking in activities with other students outside of school would allow us to make strong bonds with friends, meet new people, and make school something to look forward to. Please like our page on Facebook if you are on board with this mission!

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