February 20, 2013

Fun in the Snow

Remember the good old days before we had all of our prized electronics such as laptops, cell phones, iPads? Back when we actually went outside to play for fun. Snowing was one of the most exciting things ever because of all the fun activities it brought. Especially in a Blizzard like New York just had. Snow is just so special; it makes it look like Winter Wonderland everywhere and brings people together. The Snow is great source of entertainment for people of all ages, there’s so much you can do with it. Snow brings out the kid in everyone; even adults can’t resist throwing a snowball. Even until this day I can go outside and spend hours building a snowman or fort with family and friends. You can also make pretty snow angels in the perfect blankets of white glistening snow. Or even having a plain old snowball fight is a blast, what’s better than seeing the look on your opponent’s face when it’s filled with snow? Sledding is also a very entertaining snowy-weather activity; it’s like going down on an icy roller coaster  Instead of waiting inside and consuming so much time by logging on to Face book, take a break and go outside and enjoy the snow! In the city the beauty of snow doesn't last very long because it’s constantly being shoveled or it turns to slush quickly.  Snow is one of the highlights of winter because it brings people together for the special type of fun you can’t get often so when we are fortunate to get it we should go out there and enjoy it.

- Eleftheria Kalaitzis, Entertainment

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