February 20, 2013

Kingdom Of Zombies

Author: Nojeok
Genre: Shounen, Action, Supernatural, Adventure, and Drama

Summary: This is a Manhwa basically manga that is made by koreans. The difference is when you read the it, it's from left to right instead of the usual right to left. The world is in a crisis with the human at the brink of extinction, they're in a time of Zombie Apocalypse that started from a little girl who caught a mysterious disease. The main character Van is eager to go on the 2nd expedition where the humans try to reclaim more land from the zombies. Van has a knack for inventing weird stuff and being a trouble maker but those are the characteristics of an adventurer. All Van needs to do is pass the test that will enable him to join this expedition. This manga is ongoing and there are 9 chapters so far.   

- Eric Mei, Entertainment

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