February 6, 2013

Salsa Dance Competition and Your Involvement

How are you involved in you community? Are you satisfied with what's going on around you in school?

As most of you are aware, or are becoming aware, sometimes it can be hard to get people to become actively involved in their school communities and sometimes Baruch suffers from this same lack of school spirit. I have seen this myself firsthand with my Bollywood Dance group, that started out really strong and then just dwindled away. And although there were still people willing to put 110% effort into not only participating, but making the club as great as it was, there just weren't enough of us to keep it running. As a person who generally enjoys dancing, I would hate to see another dance-related activity die out, especially one that has become somewhat of a tradition. Of course, I am referring to the salsa dance competition. Which is a great activity that 1) allows you to be a part of your school community as a proud Baruchian, 2) add a little cultural spice to your life, 3) enjoy yourself and have fun! Personally, I've been wanting to participate in the competition since last year because I thought it would be fun, but sadly it had to be cancelled due to, again, a lack of participants, and I hope that it doesn't have to suffer the same fate this year. There is nothing required to join, just bring yourself, your commitment, your dance partner, and your desire to have some fun.All you have to do is let either Mr. Soskind, myself (Clarissa Melendez) or my co-conspirator/partner-in-crime, Vanessa Contreras, (both of us are seniors by the way), know that you would like to participate. We would all really like to see this happen, and it can't happen without you guys! Not only is this something that a lot of us are currently learning (or relearning) in gym, but it can be something done in your free time, as Sos offers the gym to anyone that wants to practice some more.

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