January 16, 2013

Another Reason to go visit Roosevelt Island

Roosevelt Island is a severely underrated island in New York City. It has quaint restaurants, friendly people, a cool art gallery and an interesting set of sculptures in the East River called The Marriage of Real Estate and Money by Tom Otterness, cool name right? One of the statues represents when Real Estate doesn’t make money, another shows when they “live” together harmoniously, and the other one shows the economy when real estate is nonexistent. Though I really do not care about economic studies, these statues interest me because when the river is in high tide, the imbalanced statues look like they’re sinking but the balanced statues stays the same. It’s an unnoticed genius and it makes me wonder how he calculated the depth of the river to suit the idea he was trying show. I think Ms. Cogan’s Bridge project has forever forced me to see the math behind everything. Did he have to use algebra? Was his information accurate? Did he even care about accuracy? Wow. Baruch has definitely affected what I think of as entertaining. No life :’(
If anyone cares, I took this photo on my Canon D1100 on monochrome setting. It was lightly drizzling at some point but my camera’s a trooper. "
Esther Turay

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