January 10, 2013

School Schedules

I don’t know if it’s because I have more classes in a day than I did last year in 8th grade or if I just don’t have a very good memory. But for the life of me, I can’t remember my class schedule. So, I’ve decided to create a little list of things I can do to help myself remember.
1.       Keep Schedules Everywhere.
-Have one in your locker so every day when you open it, it’s the first thing you look at.
-Have one in all your folders/ binders so you can always know what’s next in each class.
-Have one at home above your bed/ desk or even on a door, so you can always see it.
       2.  Write it in your planner/notebooks
-Every planner/ notebooks have a little section in it to write a schedule down, a lot of people say by writing things down its engraved in their minds, since you’re reviewing it over and over.
       3. Keep one in your Pocket
-This way you’re not wasting time going into your backpack and risking yourself to be late for class.
     4. Ask a Friend
-Find a friend who is in ALL of your classes, so if you need help you can ask and they can help you.
All of these methods I’ve used at one point, and they do help. So if you’re having trouble like I am, pick one to do or pick all and you’ll have your schedule memorized in no time!
- Zakiyyah Mandisa

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