January 27, 2013

The Movie Mama

I've wanted to go to the movies for a while now, so with it being Regents week and all I decided to go. My friend and I decided to watch Mama because it was a scary movie and it sounded pretty interesting. The movie was very interesting and not like other “scary” movies. The plot was unique. The movie is about two little girls who are abandoned to live in a cabin deep in the woods after their parents’ death. The father of the girls’ murdered their mother and two of his co-worker prior and after that he comes to get the girls and drives recklessly to an unknown destination and ends up in an accident. The father attempts to kill his daughter but “Mama” kills him before he gets the chance to. Basically these girls are left abandoned in this cabin for years and grow attached to a ghost named Mama who  takes care of them. Five years later they are finally found and go to live with their uncle and his girlfriend Annabelle.  The girls’ are traumatized by the way they've been living and are having trouble adapting to their new home. Mama follows them to the new home and haunts anyone who tries to get close to the girls. It turns out Mama is the ghost of a woman who escaped a mental asylum and committed suicide with her baby by jumping off of a clip. In the end of the movie Mama tries to take the girls and jump of the cliff to take them.  Annabelle is determined to stop it and takes one of the girls back, but at the end the other one refuses and jumps off the cliff with Mama and becomes a ghost. The movie was very confusing, I wish it had a better ending because it was weird how they separated the sisters’ by one of them staying with Annabelle and their uncle and one of them going with Mama. Also it was never clear exactly who Mama was.  I found the movie not to be scary at all, in fact I was laughing most of the time because everything was over dramatic and completely fake. The movie was decent and was worth the money but if you’re looking for a good scare, look elsewhere!

- Eleftheria Kalaitzis, Entertainment

2 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Very interesting post, but next time try to cut out spoilers!! I understand it kind of difficult, but try to state what you like about the movie, perhaps comment on the special effects, or soundtrack...

    Either way, I've always been wanting to see this movie, but I still haven't got a chance too. Well, that probably means, I won't be watching it in theaters anymore, but probably on bluray several months from now. The trailer looked exquisite and scary! I love horror films, and I think being driven by a fear is kind of an amazingly weird feeling, you feel me?

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I personally am terrified of horror movies....including the trailers. I couldn't stay in the room when the mama trailer came on.....lame. I know.


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