January 1, 2013

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

 Square Enix has released a trailer for their new game, Lightning Return: Final Fantasy XIII. As weird as it seems, it’s set to be released in 2012. The trailer features a new setting and there are only 13 days left for Lightning to save the town before it gets annihilated. The trailer only shows a small portion of the new setting and it takes place years after FFXIII-2. The trailer also shows the HUD that the game uses and the stagger bar has been either replaced or removed. The paradigm system has been changed to what looks like Lightning can switch instantly between classes in combat. The trailer also shows hints of some characters from the previous FFXIII games returning like Noel (his laced arm appears in the trailer), Hope, and maybe even Sarah. Item capsules have also been changed where the capsules have different colors. Some of the monsters from previous games have been brought back and new ones have also been created. The item merchant, Chocolina also appears in the trailer. If you want to check out the trailer, you can go search it up on IGN.

- Alan Chen, Video game Entertainment

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