January 22, 2013

Vampire Diaries Premiere – A Plus

 Last Thursday marked the new premiere of this season’s Vampire Diaries!  After the series took a quick hiatus in the middle of December and returned again this month.  This episode comes after Stefan and Elena broke up after their almost 3 year (real life wise) relationship.  In this episode, Elena finally reveals that after becoming a vampire, her feelings for Stefan’s brother Damon has magnified.  Also throughout all of this heartbreak and torment –mostly on Stefan’s side, there is a race to find the cure for immortality.  Pretty much all of the major characters in this television show want to find the cure for immortality.  The one with the key is Elena’s brother Jeremy and he must kill vampires in order for his tattoo to grow which leads to finding the cure. 
                Honestly, I thought this episode was amazing! It was so suspenseful and I could not take my eyes off of it.  I was so eager to find out what was going to happen next and I felt for all of the characters.  After watching the show for a little more than 3 years, I have felt so connected to each of their stories.  This episode has changed so much from what the series was like in the beginning.   I feel as each character has grown so much from the beginning of the show.  If you are into vampire stories or any other supernatural stories, I think you should definitely watch The Vampire Diaries.  It is an amazing show!

- Giselle Barkley, Entertainment

3 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous11:47 PM

    AHHHHHHH!!! I love the Vampire Diaries! I want Elena to be with Stefan. I mean, I see the chemistry between Elena and Damon as well (I mean, Nina and Ian ARE dating in real life), but STELENA is more like it for me.... However at the moment, Elena is still sired to Damon, and she understands that she actually have heightened feelings for him, and it kind of conflicts her because she's hurting Damon. In the few new episodes, I am starting to dislike Elena, and I find her kind of dumb, and annoying (just my opinion). I really want to see Katherine have some screen time! She's cunning and violent, definitely more daring than Elena- her badassery has me hooked! Stefan has the right to be mad at Elena... she slept with his brother..jfc! Lastly, I totally ship Caroline and Klaus!!!!!

  2. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Hurting Stefan *

  3. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Don't get me started on Vampire Diaries because it's probably one of the most addicting shows...ever. Omg I agree, Elena is getting so annoying because she needs to choose already. She expects Stefan to be dwelling over her forever but no, he went and have this thing with Rebecca. She's so selfish but I sorta like her with Damon, she's different. We need to see more of Tyler...for obvious reasons.


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