January 10, 2013

Girl's Basketball

We had a game today, 01/10/2013, against George Washington. It was a really... interesting game. The refs were surprisingly nice but mistakes were made. One of the girl's from the other team, very obviously pushed a player on our team to the floor. No call was made. And their excuse? "I didn't see anything." As a ref, their job is to watch the game closely and also to make sure the players on court are not doing anything "wrong". However, towards the end of the game, as one of our player was charging to the basket, the other team's player just pushed her to a side. A call was made.

Overall, I feel that when a player is on or off a court, you have to respect each other and the rules. You cannot simply go out of your way and push someone because you are mad that you are losing. Simply pick yourself up and do better. We did win our game, fair and square and we do have another home game tomorrow, 01/11/2013, come out and support us!

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