November 13, 2012

Beauty and a Beat by Justin Bieber: Music Video Review

   This video that was shot, written, and directed by Justin Bieber acquired nearly 75 million videos in only one month.  How? Maybe in part to his millions of dedicated fans and haters that views his video only to make a negative insult about him.  This video was definitely very original and I lot better than I expected it to be.  It first opens with a message saying that someone stole footage off of the singer’s laptop and decided to release it.  The following clips featured personal clips of Justin.  Then it cuts into a scene where it shows him holding a video camera facing him and music starts to play.  It appears to be at a party of some sort.  His vocals begin to come on and he starts to lip-sync to his voice while walking throughout a waterpark.  He focuses his camera on cool acrobatic tricks, various dancers, and underwater.  I honestly thought it was a very innovative music video because I've never seen anything like it!
            Most videos, the artist is being filmed by someone else and you never actually see them filming it themselves.  It was more personal and a lot more interesting to watch.  It was such a fun and light-hearted video to watch.  The part with Nicki Minaj was really hilarious.  The song was catchy and upbeat.  It’s not the greatest song, but it is also not a horrible song at the same time.  I give the music video a 5 for creativity, a 3.5 for the song, and an overall 4.5! Great job Justin!

- Giselle Barkley, Entertainment - Videos

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