November 15, 2012

Is she gone?

Many seniors had the privilege this year to have an extraordinary English teacher for a quarter. Her name is Ms. Neff.

It's amazing to see how attached and how close I feel to Ms. Neff in such a short period of time.

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."

I love this quote because honestly, it is the smallest things that matters, no matter how simple it may be. She gave me encouragement and feedback and she helped me boost my confident as a person and as a writer. She helped me tremendously with my college application and my college essay. In a time when help is greatly needed, she was there for me, and that alone was enough.

I'll miss her and I know that there are many seniors that feel the same. 

However, with goodbyes, there are hellos.

We officially welcome Ms. Ross back from maternity leave and now she will teach English class. I am excited for a new beginning!

Peony Cheng

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