November 28, 2012


Dear Baruch,
Halloween has come and past, so did thanksgiving. And now all you seem to care about is Christmas. Well you all forgot about the most perfect holiday of the ages. Ghostmas! Yes, its Ghostmas time! What is Ghostmas some of you are probably asking? Heretics! Ghostmas is about love, and revenge! Here’s the status quo for Ghostmas. You’re going to want a blank t-shirt say #1. On this day you and everyone else is the #1 guy. Also, you need some paint or spray paint; we usually spray hearts and whatever else you want.  There are also pumpkins involved, you usually throw them. Ghostmas can be any day you want it, but hardcore fans celebrate between the time of Halloween and Christmas. Ghostmas is a fun time to let your imaginations go free, it was founded by Blockhead, the yellow guy in the picture. He’s a little cartoon character made by Michael Swain. He is the most hardcore Ghostmas #1 guy there is, but that is probably because he made it and that he is mentally disabled. But we all stil love him for it. So celebrate Ghostmas you none believers. So keep to update on my posteses, and untill I post the next time.

-Love Oscar O. (11)

Enjoy the Ghostmas Carol below:

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