November 15, 2012

Soccer and Basketball

Girls soccer season has ended. Starting off with only 11 girls to having at least 20 on the team, the team has really developed. We may not have won championship or played our first play off game but we are all winners. We come to practice ready to work even if not everyone shows up. We push each other, we critiqued each other but at the end we are all a team helping each other develop. The last week was tough, games were cancelled, not having a couch for a week but we managed. It's  our last year on this soccer team, Kaylin, Patty and I. We may not have lead them to the championships but we lead a good team. We did our best and now it's time to hand this leadership role to the young ones. Good luck to you girls next season. GO BLUE DEVILS

The girls basketball team has their team already with 7 returnees and 3 new freshmen. We may not have had the best turn out like the boys try outs but we still have a team with talent. We may be a small team in height and size but the girls are working on their speed and handling skills. We've played many teams with really tall girls but so what if they are. We have the speed, where we take that as an advantage, during fast breaks or transitions. Our tryout was quick simple with the amount of time we had after the boys, an hr. We introduced ourselves and did some full court lay ups, passing and some ball handling. We did a lot of condition with running and down the courts after missed free throws. We ended with some 5 on 5 and although we were still getting use to our teammates and how they played, we did quite well on our first 5 on 5.  Having Jessenia and now Ally as out coaches we know we will be in shape and ready to play.
We take each practice seriously with some jokes here and there. We take in each drill that we learn and the critiques we get from our coaches.
Like what Joseph said in his post it's the small things that matter, no matter how simple it maybe.

Kathy Chiam
Writer for Sports 

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