November 20, 2012

First Scrimmage

                Last week on Friday, the boys’ varsity team had a scrimmage against an out-of-league team. They were a division A team, and we were in division B, so it looked to be a challenge.
                The game started off slowly, both teams making bad passes, and no one really playing with intensity. Then Peter Lok scored, and the other team did as well. It was 2-2, and from there, we started to pull away. Peter Lok scored again, and then I (Joey P) scored 7 points to end the quarter at 11-4. We had shut them down on defense.
                But when the second quarter began, we lost our touch. After the first 5 minutes had come and gone, we still hadn’t scored. The other team had already caught up and passed us, and from there, we were never able to recover.
                The intensity level had gone, and we couldn’t break done their defense, and in the end, the boys’ team lost 33-44, but we had proven that we can do well against a zone defense. We will continue to work harder to break down any kind of defense, and build up our intensity along the way.
                Come out and support the team! We will be posting game dates as the season goes along. C:

 Joseph P.

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