November 7, 2012

Yellow Rat Bastard

Hey kids, this is a new one, I’m going to talk about my favorite place to go clothes shopping.
Now I think you’re all wonder, oscar goes clothes shopping? Well I don’t, I just couldn’t find
better phrasing for it. Clothes buying, purchasing clothes, I don’t know, and I don’t care. So
listen up, you kids see me around the building, in shirts with many different designs. Here,
I threw some in a gif I made shortly, amazing what technology can do. Yellow Rat Bastards
located at 483 Broadway, somewhere in Soho… Yeah I’ve been there, nice place, too many
people if you ask me. Any who, I go there whenever I feel I want something new, something
nice. And I don’t only get shirts, I’ve gotten jeans too and my newest jacket. The black one with
the popped collar. Yeah, popped collars are in, I’m making them. And this store is well adjusted
to my tastes, a lot of black. And that’s all I’ll wear. Really, it’s not a goth thing or whatever, I
just find it suitable and its easier for me. Either way, the stores mainly a shirt place, they have
tons and you’re bound to find something you like. Funny sayings, cartoons, bands, logos, ladies,
neighbor hoods, and more. So I’d go on down there, take your time though, I’m not rushing
you. And there’s my review on Yellow Rat Bastard, enjoy, and until my next post.

-Oscar O.  -(Originally submitted on Nov. 1)

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