November 7, 2012

Weather /Election /Thanksgiving

Hey guys! Do you guys enjoy this snowy weather? Because I know I do. This weather reminds me of the song "Let it Snow" by Dean Martin. It's a classic Christmas song. I'm sure most of you guys know it. This type of weather is perfect for hot chocolate with a book in bed, don't you think? I love this weather. I hope that the snow piles up really high so we won't have to go to school tomorrow. Just kidding, school is fun and educational. This year has been disastrous so far. We've encountered a hurricane that resulted in a blackout in the lower east side, and now a huge snowstorm. I wonder what's next.

Other than all these natural disasters, guess what? Obama won the election of 2012! I'm not sure what your views are, but congratulations to Obama! I hope he does great things for our country in the next four years.

Oh and it's almost Thanksgiving! Are you guys excited? I know I am. Thanksgiving is a time to eat, eat, and eat for my family. What do you guys do other than eat? Do you guys play games or do you guys just stay on the computer all day? If so, you should bond with your family! Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks and to appreciate everything you have. The most important part of my life is my family. They mean the most to me.

I hope you all stay warm and safe in this freezing weather!

- Lin Yang, Entertainment

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