November 27, 2012

Perfect Instrumental Music

After a rough week for everyone because of Hurricane Sandy, diving back into school work and trying to complete assignments for the quarter have been rickety; and music really helped me get past this quarter. Especially instrumental music. Nothing put soothing music to help you relax while doing homework (or drowning out the sounds that distract all of us). 

One of my favorite instruments to listen to would be the piano. Piano notes echo and project sounds so beautifully, that it's very calming to hear. A pianist that my friend recommended to me was Yiruma. He's a famous Korean pianist, and his melodies are amazing! One song that everyone may have heard would be A River Flows in YouIt's one of his most popular songs. Another one that I like from him would be Kiss the Rain. One last hopeful piano song would be If I could See You AgainBrilliant low and high notes combined that make it very irresistible to listen to. 

I don't always listen to piano music, I also listen to the violin. My all time favorite would be Spring by: Vivaldi. And of course, it is a perfect violin music for the springtime. 

Lastly, this may sound strange, but I just so happen to listen to background music from a game I use to play in middle school called, Maple Story. And Maple Story consists of many places - each with their own background music. My favorite is from Ellinia. (You'll see why I listen to it. It's quite addicting.) 

Til' next time - I will be posting up random music! Ta ta music-lovers! :)

- Joanne Yu, Music Entertainment

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