November 9, 2012

Doing Your Part - Hurricane Sandy Relief

Hurricane Sandy recently reeked havoc on the east coast. States from Virginia to New York and everything in between felt her fury as the super storm made it's way up the coast. Unfortunately, Sandy headed straight into New Jersey leaving behind complete devastation. Houses were literally washed down the street along with cars. The entire Jersey Shore including the amusement park has shifted, the board walk torn into the ocean, houses by the shore are now surrounded by sand, and most of them are missing a good chunk.

Life seems normal in Manhattan and in most parts of the city. The MTA is almost back to normal and school is in session. Not many think about what lies past the Holland Tunnel. Although life is normal for most of us, lives are turned upside down only miles away.
We can't forget about our dear city. Poor Staten Island probably has the most damage out of the five boroughs. With houses still flooded and debris everywhere the clean up is slow.

We have to remember that we are extremely fortunate to still have a place to call home. So how can we help?
Student Government as well as other clubs have joined forces and they need donations. These donations will greatly help the people affected by Hurricane Sandy. A couple dollars, jackets, cleaning supplies, garbage bags, etc. will be greatly appreciated. Please use this three day weekend to gather what you are able to donate. These people need help now and with the temperate dropping, conditions are only getting worse. Student Government representatives will explain further in advisory because the little details are not exactly set in stone yet.

Everyone should at least make a donation, however big or small it may be. Do it for the humanity within us and simply because it's the right thing to do. Whatever you can afford will be fine.

Need more convincing? Take a look at the devastation happening beyond the skyscrapers on Park Avenue.

If these photos make you gasp or disturb you, please make a donation. 

For more photos you can click here

***If you go to Baruch and have been severely affected by Hurricane Sandy, please do not hesitate to let a school official know. It's important that you get help. ***

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