November 12, 2012

The importance of a drill

Basketball tryouts had taken place last week, starting form Monday and ending on Friday. The
Head Coach, Howard Soskind had said that he doesn’t even know who will be cut, but that shouldn’t
stop us from playing basketball. Michael Jordan was cut from his High School basketball team, but that
didn’t stop him from being one of the greatest basketball players ever.

Tryouts had started out with simple drills, and a scrimmage. It may have seemed easy enough,
but what we didn’t think about was what a drill was trying to teach us. A passing drill may be fairly easy,
but if you don’t understand certain points about a passing drill, you fail to throw/catch a pass in a real
game. When we pass the ball, you shouldn’t be standing in one place and passing the ball, but moving
with the ball. The player who is catching the ball doesn’t just stand in one place, but rather moves
towards the ball to make it both an easier and safe pass. You don’t want the opposing team going right
through the passing lane, getting a steal, and scoring an easy lay-up.

We take too many things for granted in basketball, instead, what matters are the small,
important fundamentals of the game.

Joseph P. (12)

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