November 27, 2012

Scrimmages 2 and 3

On Tuesday, the boys’ varsity team had a scrimmage against another division A team. It was an away game, up in the Bronx, and we weren’t entirely ready for it, especially their full court presses. But we needed to see what to work on before we entered our league games.
The games started off with a 3-pointer by me, but the quarter didn’t go well from there, and we trailed early, 11-5. It seemed like a game that we could catch up in, but the game was slowly loosening from our grip, and soon we were done by double our score.
Eventually, in the fourth quarter, we started to pick up, pressuring the ball and forcing turnovers. But by then it was too late, and we fell, 46-32 (not entirely sure what the score was, the scoreboard was weird). We hadn’t improved at all, except on our defense, which was still lacking in many areas.
The third scrimmage we had was at home, on Wednesday, the day before thanksgiving break. It was against another division A team, Beacon. We wanted to improve again, but this game wasn’t the game to improve upon. We started the quarter off slow, trailing again.
As the game progressed, we could barely scrape up points, until the fourth quarter. In the fourth quarter, we’re usually active. We got the game a little closer, but ended up losing, through a scratchy game.
But what we took away from this was that we saw our weaknesses, and how our team wasn’t on the same pace. But we’ll still improve from there, because the game is about making you and your teammates better, not just winning games.

Joseph Park (12)

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