
We would love to read some of your feedback on our posts so far. Feel free to comment with your own opinions and ideas. Don't be shy! We will read all comments, and any inappropriate or rude comments will be removed.

The temperature is dropping!

The days are becoming shorter, and the nights are getting colder -- It is time to stock up on some awesome sweaters! Sweater weather? BETTER WEATHER!

Check out our Pun/Joke!

Look at the right ---> ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

Let's talk about feelings*

We would really like to hear about how you feel about school so far. Well... actually we would like to hear your feelings on anything. Let us hear some suggestions and advices! Please do share, thank you!


Finding Nemo is coming out in 3D to a theater near you. What are your thoughts on this release?

Submit Photos to the blog!

We are really interested in seeing some cool images. It could be inside or outside of school. You can take the photo yourself (you will be credited) or you could pull some off the internet (you must credit the photo). Have fun! Email- Kristy for photo submission guidelines!

September 30, 2012

The Bieber Transformation

Over the past few years, Justin Bieber’s image has changed drastically. He went from being a baby-faced pop star to a mature young artist. His physical appearance went through a complete transformation. One of the major changes was the hairstyle. He went from the “Bieber-Hair” to his new short look, which makes him look more mature. I personally think that his new look really suits him and actually makes him look his age. Not only did his appearance change even his sound changed and became more mature. His new album Believe was released about 3 months ago on June 19th and the music is just such a contrast to his older albums such as “My World” and “Never Say Never”. 
Many people have changed their view on him. People who used to despise him and his music have began to like his new songs such as “Boyfriend” and “As long as you love me”. His music went from classic pop teenage songs to songs with deeper meanings which attract an older audience. The only downside is he may lose some of his younger audience because some may feel that he’s too grown-up now. Well, I like Justin Bieber a lot more now that he has matured. I think more people should give him a chance and stop putting him down if they have never actually listened to his music. As they always say don’t knock it until you try it.

-Eleftheria Kalaitzis, Entertainment

September 29, 2012

Meet my dog!

From the results of our latest poll, it turns out that most of you guys have pets! Whether its a dog, cat, fish, hamster, or bunny, we all adore them. I would love to introduce my dog to all of you, Nike. Okay I know, it's sorta a weird name. Nike represents victory (basically) and after years and years of asking my parents, they decided to let me take on the responsibility of owning a dog my freshman year of high school. Thats right, Nike is almost 3 years old! (And no, I did not get the idea of naming my dog Nike from one of those Bring It On movies).
Here's a photo of the little guy:
He's a Pomeranian and a very hyper ball of fur. Isn't he adorable?
I got Nike as a puppy when my friend's dog had puppies. He has two siblings and when I first went to see the puppies, I almost didn't choose him. At first, I really wanted Nike's sister, a white female pomeranian. But in the end, he stole my heart with the unique strip of black fur running down his front right leg.
Like most responsible pet owners, I did my research before bringing my pet home. It's not always just about how cute they are and the warm fuzzy feeling they bring to your heart; taking care of a pet can be quite expensive and time consuming. Here's what I mean:
I call this "The Nike Supply Table". A whole table dedicated to his needs. Of course, I spoil my little one with lots of treats to keep him happy. It's also important to have flea supplies on hand (flea drops, flea shampoo, and flea spray). During the warmer months, dogs are more likely to get fleas. Not because they're dirty, but simply because the transfer of fleas from one dog to another is quite common and quick. And having a brush and nail clipper is pretty standard.
I also still have Nike's first collar back from when he was a little puppy.
Here's a photo, Nike was only a couple months old here!
For the ones who plan on getting a dog but are terrified about the outrageous vet bills, don't worry about it! I bring Nike to Petco every year for his annual vaccinations and rabies shots. It's a lot cheaper than going to the vet but he gets the same treatment. Certified vets go to Petco on certain nights (you can ask your local Petco for a flyer). All you have to do is arrive a little earlier and line up.
For all the dog owners: in case you don't already know, if your dog isn't feeling well, feed it some plain rice and boiled boneless chicken! They love it and it's good for them (once in a while). Remember to always use caution when feeding animals human food. Don't ever feed your dog chocolate (obviously), grapes, apple seeds, and avocados. Fruits such as strawberries, watermelon, and even blueberries are great little treats for them.
Also, I tend to change Nike's bed at least once a year. This is because a lot of dirt, crumbs, and fur accumulates even when the bed is washed. You can find affordable yet high quality dog bedding at Marshalls!
For everyone else, no matter what type of animal you have or plan on getting, please do your research before you bring them home!
Here are more photos because Nike is just too cute.
Please submit us photos of YOUR pet. Tell us their name and their story! We'll post them and we can all aww over their cuteness together.


- Kristin Liang

September 28, 2012

The Blue Devil Newsletter - Issue 2

September 17th - 28th, 2012
Adapted from the original Newsletter
 by Alexiandria Cintron and Erick Criollo

 View original by downloading newsletter

Blue Devils Fall Short To Lab

            On Sunday the 23rd of September, the girls played against Lab Museum at Randall's Island. When the whistle blew to initiate the game, there was a halt-- we had the wrong refs. We had to wait a couple of extra minutes until our refs came to start the game. Unfortunately, the girls got off to a rocky start and trailed   7-0 at the half. Things got worse when our goalie Mikaela re-injured her thigh. With no experience, Gentiana was brave enough to sub for Mikaela and did an admirable job in the second half.
Girls Varsity Soccer Team
            During half time, the players were dejected and frustrated with their performance. Although the team put forth their best effort, it was much of the same. The final score was 12-0. The score was not reflective of the effort that the Lady Blue Devils exhibited. All the players kept their heads held high. They now appreciate that through hard work and practice they will improve as a team. 
By: Brenda Almaraz and Amy Mot

Girls Soccer Team for the win against School of the Future
Amazing save by our keeper Mikaela
            Girls Soccer Team Brings Home A Win!
 Coming off a loss in their last game, Baruch was determined to notch a victory. Playing against School of The Future, the girls scored early and would take a 2-0 lead into the half. The team knew they would have to keep up the intensity in order to achieve their goal. Mikaela Bordonaro, the team’s goal keeper went down with an injury in the middle of the second half. Esther Turay stepped up to play goalie for her first time. As a team, we knew we had to support her by keeping the ball away from the goal as much as possible. With amazing saves and a stubborn defense, the Blue Devils claimed a 2-0 win. With many new comers joining the team, we are optimistic about the remainder of the season. Next game is against LAB at Randall’s Island.

Let’s Go Blue Devils!

 By: Kathy Chiam

I can’t believe we are already at the end of September. The year has gotten off to blazing start. Girls Volleyball and Boys and Girls Soccer are all in full swing with Winter sports right around the corner. Many of you have super busy lives, whether it is your involvement in extracurricular activities or other outside commitments. Here is a quote to help make this a smooth and successful year. “We don’t plan to fail we fail to plan”. Disciplined planning can help insure that not only will you fulfill your responsibilities, but you will do so to the best of your ability. I hope that you have an amazing year and that you achieve all your goals. Don’t forget to take some time to breath. A few deep breaths can do wonders.    

Start of Volleyball Season

            This past Monday, 10/24, Baruch Girl’s Volleyball team had their first game of the season against Health Professions High School (HPHS). Although the game ended with a loss for the Blue Devils, it wasn’t quite as bad as many of the girls had expected. The girls walked in the gym of Martin Luther King Jr. High School determined, anxious, and excited. They sat at the bleachers closely watching Pace High School play Martin Luther King in the first session. They weren’t only looking at the mistakes that players made, but the volleyball girls were also mentally noting what players were doing well.
            The anxiety in each and every one of the girls rose as the start of their game neared. Baruch watched their opponent stride in the gym doors with confidence. Each team gave the other a good 2 minute stare down, trying to assess one another by their appearances. A sense of intimidation rose in the huddled group of Blue Devils, but they managed to keep all of their feelings inside.
Girls get pep talk from their Coahes
            The start of the first set was very energetic. Balls were called, mistakes were forgiven, and encouragement was in the air. Baruch led early but HPHS began to catch up and tie the score. It was a very close set but Baruch came up short. Losing the first set took its toll on the girls. They came out flat in the second set Poor communication and effort caused many balls to hit the ground. With each thud of the ball on Baruch’s side of the net, “I died a little inside” said one of the players. “We literally were handing points to HPHS”.
            As a member of the Baruch’s Girl’s Volleyball team, I think that this game wasn’t so bad. Yes, it’s not very pleasant to start off our season with a loss. However, that just means that there’s room for improvement. We’re on this team because we all share the same thirst to play volleyball. Our team is determined to make it to the playoffs. Please check out the girls’ volleyball schedule and support your schoolmates by attending games. It truly means a lot to us, thank you very much!

Looking confident against Health Professions High School
Girls Volley during group huddle
By: Yei Ling  Ma

Third Time’s a Charm

            With a loss in our last contest, the Baruch Girls Volleyball team came out with extra intensity. We worked well together and the first set was close. A whistle blew and I looked at the score board for the first time and it was 27-25 in favor of Julia Richman. I couldn’t believe it. Our team did so well but came up a bit short. We started the second set with the same line up. We were all focused on winning this set. The team played tough but lost 25-15. Although we did not get a victory, our spirits remained high. Some of the team felt defeated and our manager Brendan said “This was just one loss, why are you guys so down?  You guys should be happy because you can learn so much from this game!” Baruch’s next game will be against SOF this Friday the 25th at MLK. Come out and support!

By: Peony Cheng

Red Cross to the Rescue

Hi Baruchians!
            This year, Red Cross will be hosting many events like our annual Breast Cancer and Aids Walk, Blood Drives, backpack competitions, and so much more. A new event that we will be hosting would be a School Carnival, so stay tuned!
            BCCHS Red Cross Club will be recruiting members during the October Club Fair, so please sign up. Unfortunately, our old adviser, Mr. Morales has recently retired, but that doesn’t mean our club is going down. Give a warm welcome to our new adviser, Ms. Poole! Welcome to the club!

Tough Loss for Boys Soccer

            On September 19th, The Baruch Boys Soccer team played match vs. Eleanor Roosevelt. The Blue Devils struck first when Justin Ramirez’s flying header soared over the ELRO goal keeper and into the back of the net. Baruch controlled the ball most of the first half but had a defensive lapse which allowed ELRO to tie the game. The Blue Devils scored again in the second half on a penalty kick by Erick Criollo regaining the lead. Baruch could not maintain their intensity in the final minutes and allowed ELRO to score 3 quick goals. The team definitely showed improvement, and an ability to compete with anyone in their division. Come out and see the team in action!
By: Daniel Dornbaum

Upcoming Games & Events:

October 16th – BCCHS Club Fair
 Volleyball: 10/1, 10/3, 10/5, 10/9, 10/11, 10/15
 Girls Soccer: 10/4, 10/7, 10/11.
 Boys Soccer: 10/2, 10/3
 Cheerleading Tryouts – 10/2

 Check for game sites and times

From Your President

            Dear BCCHS,
Welcome back! I hope you had an amazing summer. It's great to see so many smiling faces. But don't worry, work is on the way. 
I would like to extend a warm welcome to the incoming class of 2016. You have joined an elite group of students who are ready to tackle the upcoming year head on. You are now an important part of the Baruch community, and we wish you the best of luck as you begin your journey. As for all returning students, you all know the drill. Clubs and other extra-curricular activities are starting, so make sure you jump on board. There will be a club fair held on October 16th in the cafeteria after school. This is a great way to hear all about every club and organization at Baruch. In the upcoming months there will be dances, pep-rallies, sports events and much more. With your help, they will be fantastic. If you bring your enthusiasm and passion to school each day, we are sure to have an unbelievable year!

Daniel Dornbaum

Come Cheer With Us!!

            The Baruch cheerleading team is starting up again! For the past two years, the team has been growing and improving its quality. Last year we were able cheer at the Boy’s Basketball games. Ms.Kwan and Ms.Simon are awesome coaches and help prepare us with challenging practices. Our captains Allison Relyea and Ashley Hall also bring leadership to the team. They help create cheers and routines. The new cheer season is going to begin soon. Tryouts will be held sometime over the next week. Check the message board in the cafeteria for more information. We are hoping to find new cheer talents, and get more people active in our school. Every school can use school spirit, so come out for the cheerleading team! 

 By: D'andra Conyers