September 6, 2012

First day of School feedback/experiences

"The first day back was actually fun, my schedule is awesome and I was happy to see all my friends. I can't believe I'm a senior! Time sure does fly. I'm looking forward to Senioritis and all the other cool things seniors have." -Brittany W.

"The first two days of school were good, normal days for me. The one thing that got me though, were the lockers. I got my locker on the first day to find it open. When I closed it, I could not open it again, ever. This is due to the re-painting of the lockers. As those of us from last year remember the lockers were yellow. But it seems they were re-painted this summer, and either no one left it open to air for whatever reason because I know i was not the only student at our school to deal with this issue. This should get fixed, it had better." 
                  -Oscar O.

2 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous7:28 PM

    My first day was amazing cause I found out I had 5 frees with Spanish III BUT on the third day of school I found out the APUSH kids have to take 5 periods of regular US History and 2 periods of APUSH. Then I had no frees... AS A JUNIOR!

  2. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Hello, Sydney! I understand what you mean- losing frees! When I was a junior, and I first got my schedule, I only had two frees, and I was like crazy happy, but then I found out I had to give one of the frees up for another period of Advanced Art, it was kind of a bummer. I mean personally, I don't mind that much since it's art, and that's fun. However, I was only left with one free last period on Fridays. Don't let that think it was a great spot because I had to babysit on Fridays at 3, so I basically spent that time in school anyways. But now, as a senior I have a little more frees, but internship kind of took much of it up. Still alright though because I think internship is kind of fun and makes me feel very responsible!


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