September 23, 2012


Hello kiddies, I don't know about you, but some of the music out these days is just horrible to me. Really, and I'm talking about all types of genres, they all have bad songs here or there. Not all of it is bad, there's still some good titles. But some of the artists, won't name them, but just what they think is music. Good music, they wouldn't know what it was if it jumped 'em and bit 'em. But here, here is one of the biggest bands and greatest bands of them all. Gorillaz, that's how you spell it, G-O-R-I-L-L-A-Z. Amazing music, and here was their first album, Gorillaz, that's the cover. Came out around 2001, so its not all that old, but for some reason some of our youth may not know what Gorillaz is. Its a shame, really is, they have great songs. Some of my favorites from this album are and are not limited to: 5/4, Tomorrow Comes Today, Clint Eastwood, (check for the previous 3 songs on the music player on the bottom of the screen) Punk, Rock the House, 19-2000, and Left Hand Suzuki Method. Now the thing about Gorillaz is their music is unique, its hard for me to find a specific category for it. It's categorized under hip hop/ rap. There's actually some could rap songs like Clint Eastwood and Rock the House. But to me, the best part is the lead singer 2D. Oh, and i forgot to mention, for those who don't know, the band members are animated characters, you see 'em in the album cover. They are in Jeep, the car used in the 19-2000 music video. Driving the car is Murdoc Niccals, bass player and mastermind behind Gorillaz. Next to him is 2D, the lead singer of Gorillaz. The small girl in the back is Noodles, Japanese axe princess, guitar player and imagination of Gorillaz. And the huge guy in the back is Russel, drummer for the band. This is some great stuff, check out their music videos and other stuff. I might post more stuff about this band, their my favorite,but until later.

- Oscar O.

1 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Stylo is an awesome song..and Demon days is on constant replay on my laptop O_O

    Nice to see another Gorilaz fan in Bcchs :D


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