September 29, 2012

Meet my dog!

From the results of our latest poll, it turns out that most of you guys have pets! Whether its a dog, cat, fish, hamster, or bunny, we all adore them. I would love to introduce my dog to all of you, Nike. Okay I know, it's sorta a weird name. Nike represents victory (basically) and after years and years of asking my parents, they decided to let me take on the responsibility of owning a dog my freshman year of high school. Thats right, Nike is almost 3 years old! (And no, I did not get the idea of naming my dog Nike from one of those Bring It On movies).
Here's a photo of the little guy:

He's a Pomeranian and a very hyper ball of fur. Isn't he adorable?
I got Nike as a puppy when my friend's dog had puppies. He has two siblings and when I first went to see the puppies, I almost didn't choose him. At first, I really wanted Nike's sister, a white female pomeranian. But in the end, he stole my heart with the unique strip of black fur running down his front right leg.
Like most responsible pet owners, I did my research before bringing my pet home. It's not always just about how cute they are and the warm fuzzy feeling they bring to your heart; taking care of a pet can be quite expensive and time consuming. Here's what I mean:
I call this "The Nike Supply Table". A whole table dedicated to his needs. Of course, I spoil my little one with lots of treats to keep him happy. It's also important to have flea supplies on hand (flea drops, flea shampoo, and flea spray). During the warmer months, dogs are more likely to get fleas. Not because they're dirty, but simply because the transfer of fleas from one dog to another is quite common and quick. And having a brush and nail clipper is pretty standard.
I also still have Nike's first collar back from when he was a little puppy.
Here's a photo, Nike was only a couple months old here!
For the ones who plan on getting a dog but are terrified about the outrageous vet bills, don't worry about it! I bring Nike to Petco every year for his annual vaccinations and rabies shots. It's a lot cheaper than going to the vet but he gets the same treatment. Certified vets go to Petco on certain nights (you can ask your local Petco for a flyer). All you have to do is arrive a little earlier and line up.
For all the dog owners: in case you don't already know, if your dog isn't feeling well, feed it some plain rice and boiled boneless chicken! They love it and it's good for them (once in a while). Remember to always use caution when feeding animals human food. Don't ever feed your dog chocolate (obviously), grapes, apple seeds, and avocados. Fruits such as strawberries, watermelon, and even blueberries are great little treats for them.
Also, I tend to change Nike's bed at least once a year. This is because a lot of dirt, crumbs, and fur accumulates even when the bed is washed. You can find affordable yet high quality dog bedding at Marshalls!
For everyone else, no matter what type of animal you have or plan on getting, please do your research before you bring them home!
Here are more photos because Nike is just too cute.
Please submit us photos of YOUR pet. Tell us their name and their story! We'll post them and we can all aww over their cuteness together.


- Kristin Liang

1 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Is that dog for me? You shouldn't have =)


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