September 10, 2012

Feedback & Announcement

Hey Baruchians,

As you might or might not know, this blog is very new to Baruch. Nothing like this has been done before. Therefore, we want YOUR feedback.
What are some things we are doing well and some things that we could improve on?
Feel free to comment or e-mail us. Submissions will be kept anonymous, if you want (but nothing mean or disrespectful please!)

To celebrate the launch of Blogging Baruch as well as promote it, we will be hosting giveaways soon. Yes, that means free stuff! Keep in mind that everything comes out of our own pocket, there is absolutely no budget for this blog. It's also things that we personally would enjoy, basically the giveaway isn't a pack of pens or anything like that. We will reveal the giveaway items soon, keep visiting the blog for updates. Check your e-mails for the rules. (: 

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