September 13, 2012

Brain Busters - Sept 13

Hey everybody!

So, starting now, there will be a new brain teaser posted each Monday. Hope you enjoy them!
P.S. As the puzzles progress they will get harder. 

Using the BrainTracker grid below, how many words can you find? Each word must contain the central M and no letter can be used twice, however, the letters do not have to be connected. Proper nouns are not allowed, however, plurals are. There is at least one nine letter word. Excellent: 22 words. Good: 19 words. Average: 16 words.
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 [Ref: ZKQM] © Kevin Stone
Hint: Every word must contain the central letter.

Answers will be posted in two days! Comment below if you think you know the answer(s)!

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