September 13, 2012

Gamers Level

I will be going with the basics, often in video games, people are often categorized into three groups, beginners, amateurs, and last but not least professionals. Beginners are those who started playing the game probably the first time in their life and getting to know how to play it or they could be simply those who never get better no matter how much they play. The term for those who have no skills in playing is called “Noob”. The people with decent skills are mostly call amateur. They understand the concept of the game but that doesn’t mean they are neither good nor bad at the game. And then those who simply played the game so much that they are able to win with their eyes closed are professional. These people are either simply extremely good gamers or “No-lifes” who does nothing but play all day, starting from beginner and improving along the way. These are the basic categories of gamers’ level. There are game where a ranking system is incorporated instead, but in the end it is all about the skill of the player, not how long they play the game for. -Stephen H. (Entertainment, Gaming, 12)

1 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Very descriptive, thanks for the info


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