September 23, 2012

Introductory Post

Hey guys,

My name is Melissa, and my role is to write reviews! For the moment, however, I'm not sure what to review. I don't want to review something you guys would find boring, so don't be shy, and please send me some suggestions @ my email (! Since I review things from entertainment, I could talk about movies, games, new technology, etc. Basically, as long as it's something that entertains you! :)

Well, I don't want this post to end at such a short length, so I will describe my process of reviewing:
1-   I find something to review (through suggestions from emails or of my own accord).
2-   Check it out (if it's a movie, watch it, a song, listen to it, a game, play it, etc.).
3-   Review it: write down the summary of what I'm reviewing, my likes, dislikes, and then summarize what I think of it.

There are exceptions to this process, such as if the suggestions require me to spend money, I may or may not choose to review them. For example, if a movie just came out, and someone asks for me to review, I'll try to watch it (by going to AMC theaters before 12 PM for that discounted price of $6, or watching online, etc.), but if I have to spend more than $10, I won't review (I’ll wait till I can find it online, etc.). Another example would be if someone asked me to review a game; I'll only review if it's free. Other than that, I'm open to all other suggestions (rated PG-13 please)! :)

Melissa He, 12th Grade
Editor/Writer for Entertainment

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