September 30, 2012

The Bieber Transformation

Over the past few years, Justin Bieber’s image has changed drastically. He went from being a baby-faced pop star to a mature young artist. His physical appearance went through a complete transformation. One of the major changes was the hairstyle. He went from the “Bieber-Hair” to his new short look, which makes him look more mature. I personally think that his new look really suits him and actually makes him look his age. Not only did his appearance change even his sound changed and became more mature. His new album Believe was released about 3 months ago on June 19th and the music is just such a contrast to his older albums such as “My World” and “Never Say Never”. 
Many people have changed their view on him. People who used to despise him and his music have began to like his new songs such as “Boyfriend” and “As long as you love me”. His music went from classic pop teenage songs to songs with deeper meanings which attract an older audience. The only downside is he may lose some of his younger audience because some may feel that he’s too grown-up now. Well, I like Justin Bieber a lot more now that he has matured. I think more people should give him a chance and stop putting him down if they have never actually listened to his music. As they always say don’t knock it until you try it.

-Eleftheria Kalaitzis, Entertainment

2 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Agreed. I'm not a crazy Bieber fan but I occasionally enjoy listening to his music. Definitely like the new look and hair cut better.

  2. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I completely agree with your outlook on JB! The Biebs had my heart since he first came out- although, I don't consider myself one of his crazy obsessed fans, I do like listening to his music. After his make over, like you have mentioned he started to look much more mature, and my god is he adorable. When the video for "As Long As You Love Me" came out, I melted!! I loved the song to begin with and he was absolutely gorgeous in the video. :)


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